We advise our clients in nearly all matters related to their property, both real and personal, including their homes, farm and ranch land, mineral rights, investment property, and business assets. Our mission is to help protect, preserve and grow these assets for generations to come. We provide high-level, sophisticated legal services locally.

We help our clients acquire, divest, protect, and grow their assets to create a stable foundation for their families and loved ones.


Our clients wish to leave a legacy for generations to come. While that legacy typically appears in the form of property and assets, often the greater legacy involves the values they wish to impart as well.




what we do

Real Estate

We advise our clients in nearly all matters related to their property, both real and personal, including their homes, farm and ranch land, mineral rights, investment property, and business assets. Our mission is to help protect, preserve and grow these assets for generations to come. We provide high-level, sophisticated legal services locally.

Our clients wish to leave a legacy for generations to come. While that legacy typically appears in the form of property and assets, often the greater legacy involves the values they wish to impart as well.

oil & gas

estate planning & probate



We're passionate about......

what we do

Real Estate

oil & gas

estate planning & probate



Real Estate

  • Buying, selling, and leasing residential and commercial property

  • Agricultural, grazing, hunting and recreational leases

what we do

Real Estate

oil & gas

estate planning & probate



oil & gas

  • Oil and gas leases
  • Production sharing agreements
  • Surface use agreements
  • Subsurface easement agreements
  • Pipeline and utility easements

what we do

Real Estate

oil & gas

estate planning & probate




  • Wills and Trusts
  • Statutory Durable Power of Attorney
  • Directive to Physicians, Medical Power of Attorney, and HIPAA Authorization

what we do

Real Estate

oil & gas

estate planning & probate




  • Independent Administrations
  • Muniment of Title
  • Determination of Heirship Proceedings
  • Affidavits of Heirship

what we do

Real Estate

oil & gas

estate planning & probate




  • Formation, management, and termination of business entities including limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and family limited partnership
  • Business succession planning

"The rural area of Karnes County got another blessing when Dena Witte hung her shingle in Karnes City. She has a wonderful combination of professionalism, intelligence and wisdom. Ranching flows through her veins, and it's shown in her hard work and the way she handles all sorts of land transactions and estate planning."



Our clientele is currently full. We are not accepting new clients in order to best serve our established clientele. We regret that we are unable to help, but strongly encourage you to obtain representation from another experienced attorney as soon as possible to protect your interests.

available by appointment only